The best fungal nail treaments in the UK 2025!

Based on 8,635 verified consumer reviews. Start your treatment today!

Last update: 01-02-2021
Fungal Nail Treatment 4ml + Nail Files
1. ProtectAir
Fungal Nail Treatment 4ml + Nail Files

Fungal Nail Treatment Starter Kit 4ml + Nail Files + Medical Shoe Spray
2. ProtectAir
Fungal Nail Treatment Starter Kit 4ml + Nail Files + Medical Shoe Spray

Fungal Nail Treatment, 3.8ml
3. Scholl
Fungal Nail Treatment, 3.8ml

5% Medicated Nail Lacquer 3ml
4. Curanail
5% Medicated Nail Lacquer 3ml

Fungal Nail Treatment
5. Nailtroe
Fungal Nail Treatment

Fungal Nail
6. Profoot Mycosan
Fungal Nail

Advanced Footcare Fungal Nail Treatment Solution 4ml
7. Boots
Advanced Footcare Fungal Nail Treatment Solution 4ml

Fungal Nail Treatment for toe nails
8. Canespro
Fungal Nail Treatment for toe nails

Solution for Fungal Nail Infection
9. Excilor
Solution for Fungal Nail Infection

Solution for nail mycosis
10. Imperial Feet
Solution for nail mycosis

Fungal Nail Renewal Treatment 10ml
11. Kerasal
Fungal Nail Renewal Treatment 10ml

12. Zane Hellas

Brush 2-in-1, 5ml
13. Nailner
Brush 2-in-1, 5ml

Rechargeable Nail Fungus Laser
14. Med-Fit
Rechargeable Nail Fungus Laser

Yoffee Clear Treatment
15. Simon & Tom
Yoffee Clear Treatment

Treatment Pen for Fungal Nail Infection
16. Excilor
Treatment Pen for Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal Toenails and Fingernails
17. 24Cures
Fungal Toenails and Fingernails

Toenail Fungus Treatment
18. Arishine
Toenail Fungus Treatment

Anti-Fungal Nail Solution
19. Azally
Anti-Fungal Nail Solution

Nail Treatment Essence
20. TYJR
Nail Treatment Essence

Anti Fungus Nail Treatment
21. Sharmiz
Anti Fungus Nail Treatment

Premium Fungal Nail Destroyer
22. Thera Healthcare
Premium Fungal Nail Destroyer


#7 Boots £14.79

Advanced Footcare Fungal Nail Treatment Solution 4ml
Boots - Advanced Footcare Fungal Nail Treatment Solution 4ml

Score: 75.26%

Full treatment price*
Total reviews 190
Suspicious reviews 0% (0)
Amazon score 3.76
Adjusted Amazon score 3.76
*Based on estimated treatment time and product effectiveness


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NHS Recommends

Prevent re-infection! Treat nails and protect shoes to prevent fungi spores from spreading and infecting other nails!


treat athlete's foot as soon as possible to avoid it spreading to nails
keep your feet clean and dry
wear clean socks every day
wear flip-flops in showers at the gym or pool
throw out or treat shoes


do not wear shoes that make your feet hot and sweaty
do not share towels
do not wear other people's shoes
do not share nail clippers or scissors
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Fungal Nail Infection

How to recognize fungal nail infection?

Fungal nail infections are common. They're not serious but they can take a long time to treat. Fungal nail infections usually affect your toenails, but you can get them on your fingernails, too.

Visit your GP!

If you are unsure whether you are suffering from fungal nail or nail fungus infection. Always visit your GP for a correct diagnose!

If you have diabetes, you should see a foot specialist because any foot injury can lead to complications of diabetes.
Fungal nail infections usually start at the edge of the nail.
They often then spread to the middle. The nail becomes discoloured and lifts off.
The nail becomes brittle and pieces can break off. It can cause pain and swelling in the skin around the nail.

Other treatments

Treatment & Advice

Treatment for a fungal nail infection from a GP
Your GP can prescribe antifungal tablets. You'll need to take these every day for up to 6 months.

Tablets can have bad side effects, including:
· headaches
· itching
· loss of taste
· diarrhoea

You cannot take antifungal tablets if you're pregnant or have certain conditions. They can damage your liver. Badly infected nails sometimes need to be removed. It's a small procedure done while the area is numbed (under local anaesthetic).
Laser treatment
Laser treatment uses laser to destroy the fungus: you'll have to pay for it as it's not covered by the NHS. It can be expensive. There's little evidence to show it's a long-term cure as most studies only follow patients for 3 months.
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Prevent fungal nail infections

Fungal nail infections develop when your feet are constantly warm and damp. You're more likely to get an infection if you wear trainers for a long time and have hot, sweaty feet.
Prevent re-infection at the source: wash socks at 60°+, disinfect shoes, wear flip-flops in the shower.


RealReview analyses, filters & rates thousands of consumer reviews. The rating is a weighed average of all negative and positive user experiences. So you have an idea of what to expect from your fungal nail treatment.

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Review Statistics

Analysed Reviews 8,635
5,049 (58.47%)
1,369 (15.85%)
714 (8.27%)
377 (4.37%)
1,126 (13.04%)
Suspicious Reviews 1,407 (16.30%)
RealReviews 7,228 (83.70%)
Amazon Average Score (source) 4.13
Amazon Average Score (adjusted) 3.11 -1.01
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Real product information about fungal nail treatments based on 8,635 consumer reviews
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Fungal nail news